Note: This process will reset the password for all online accounts that are tied to your student account. If you are having trouble with MFA (not getting, or seeing, the codes) then please submit a ticket at

To reset the password of your student account, please complete the following:

  • Visit OneLogin at
  • Choose "Forgot Password".
  • Enter your WCU student email address. Be mindful that our usernames use (first initial)(last name)(student ID). For me, the address would look like 
  • The process varies here:
    1. Multi-Factor Authenticator previously set up
      1. If you have a multi-factor authenticator enabled you will receive an authentication request on the default.
      2. Authenticate the request with your MFA, enter your new password, and Submit
    2. No multi-factor previously set up or access to previous MFA is unavailable
      1. Click Change Authentication Factor, if necessary
      2. Click Email
      3. Check your personal email address and follow the instructions

After successfully resetting your password, please allow 15 minutes before attempting a login. When ready, head over to OneLoginLet us know if you have any further trouble!